At the Tuesday Ag Committee hearing, Senator DeKay presented LB246, to prohibit cultivated-protein food products under the Nebraska Pure Food Act and provide a deceptive trade practice. My goal is to bring awareness to our choices and to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the current paradigm with a personal story. I provided a copy of my […]
Author: Lincoln's Open Source
Grounding to the earth
The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding My takeaways for grounding I learned about grounding from Dr. Tom Cowan in late 2020 and developed this graphic of our invisible electromagnetic world to explain my understanding. You can learn more about Dr. Cowan’s perspective on sickness and health by watching these talks: Products While I’ve […]
LB 203 would require health directors to obtain health board approval prior to initiating directed health measures. I opposed the bill as it expands public health governance when a holistic healthcare model could better complement the current public health approach. Using a Resolution to Shift the Direction of Public Health in Nebraska, I asked, instead, […]
On Tuesday, Senator Carol Bosn presented LB4, Adopt the Telecommunications Exchange Deregulation Act, to the Nebraska Legislature’s Transportation and Telecommunications Committee, explaining that the bill only applies to land-line communications, old copper phone lines. My comments to the committee regarding the impact of deregulated wireless communications, below, were prepared based on the text of the […]
Effective Monday, 1/20/2025, the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) amended its 1983 fluoride regulation under Title 179, Chapter 1, regarding fluoridation of public water systems. The amendments are designed to align state regulations with federal recommendations set in 2011. This update includes changes to the maximum allowable fluoride concentrations and procedures for […]
“It should be a matter not only of concern but deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of a certain type of nutrition, particularly the dietary products used so generally by modern civilization.” Weston A. Price, DDS A Traditional Approach to Dental Health & Healing Unfortunately, the government and […]
September 24, 2024, Fluoride Action Network announces, “We Won!” In his 9:53 p.m. email, executive director Stuart Cooper writes, “…the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case.” Cooper shared the decision in a press […]
Next Monday, September 16, I will conclude my 2024 70 Days Project series of comments to the Lincoln City Council. This fourth in the series will attempt to connect the dots, from 9/11 to Covid, and put fluoridated drinking water in its proper context. 70 Days Project – 9/11 Tribute 2024 Disappeared like a bad […]
Highlights and updates Why an investigation into fluoride? Prior to 2020, I knew of the fluoride controversy but had little concern or awareness about the health effects. Researching 9/11 beginning in late 2018, and the City/County response to the Covid event, led me to larger questions about government, scientific inquiry, and my responsibility. My questions […]
On May 30, Nebraska DHHS director of Public Health, Charity Menefee, signed a petition to amend Title 179 NAC 1 rules and regulations governing fluoridation of water supplies. Until further federal or state action is taken, amending the 1983 regulation will lessen the harms of over-fluoridation by lowering treatment levels in Nebraska’s community water supplies […]