Speaking before Britain’s House of Lords in 1770, Sir William Pitt declared: “There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself,” thus giving birth to the phrase “power behind the throne.”
James Perloff
The Shadows of Power:
The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline
The following links are provided for educational and information use only, and are not recommended for regular business.
Candidate information and calendar are available at the Nebaska Secretary of State’s office. The Lancaster County Election Commission’s office provides information on voting.
Local Organizations, candidates, issues
Lincoln City Council – your elected Council members – with district map at the bottom of the member page, meeting dates and agendas, meeting videos, past meeting videos on YouTube.
Lancaster County Sheriff – Sheriff Terry Wagner, command staff, mission and goals, another source of information is the Constitutional Sheriff and Police Officers Association.
Lancaster County Board – a page for your elected Board members could not be found, member names are listed on this organizational chart, Lancaster County elected positions. Videos are available at the Nebraska Association of County Officials Channel. Information on Board meetings.
Nebraska State Legislature – Unicameral update, find your senator, information. National Conference of State Legislatures – Glossary Page
United States Congress – Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District, watch live Senate floor proceedings
United Nations – Wikipedia describes the UN as an intergovernmental organization governed by international law. The United Nations claims to be advancing a common agenda through 12 areas of action identified by member states to reach the goals of Agenda 2030. Membership is defined in Chapter 2 of the United Nations Charter. A listing of United Nations Organizations, among them the World Health Organization and the World Bank Group.
World Economic Forum – an observer at the United Nations until 2012. The WEF agenda is closely allied with the United Nation as seen in this January 2021 article on the UN Race to Zero Emissions. WEF Platforms describe a highly detailed plan of global action. Listen to WEF representatives ideas and goals in their podcasts.
World Bank Group – an observer at the United Nations, Wikipedia describes two of the group’s international organizations as the “World Bank.” World Bank activities focus on developing countries, claiming to assist countries with initiatives such as the “debt for nature swap.” The relationship of world banking is described in this United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) article. A summary of the article begins, “The international institutions that make up part of the international architecture discussed in this article are the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Bank for International Settlements.”