Health News

Holistic Dentistry & Nutrition

It should be a matter not only of concern but deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of a certain type of nutrition, particularly the dietary products used so generally by modern civilization.”

Weston A. Price, DDS

A Traditional Approach to Dental Health & Healing

Unfortunately, the government and industry claim that fluoride reduces cavities is based on the misrepresented findings from the largest study of its kind, of fluoridated and non-fluoridated children, Brunelle & Carlos. This study found an absolute difference of less that 1% versus the 18-25% claimed.

Dr. Weston A. Price found that the health of people from traditional cultures deteriorated rapidly eating a modern diet. Self-care solutions for dental care are plentiful, as in Ramiel Nagel’s 2012 book, Cure Tooth Decay: Heal & Prevent Cavities with Nutrition. Nagel details Dr. Price’s protocol to remineralize teeth with wise food choices like:

  • Nutrient-dense, organic, whole foods, properly grown and prepared, like pastured eggs, organ meats, butter, animal fats and fish eggs
  • Raw or low-pasteurized, non-homogenized milk
  • High quality cod liver oil and butter oil
  • Meat and poultry broth

Preparing for Pregnancy and Healthy Baby

Dr. Price found that traditional cultures, in addition to eating nutrient-dense foods, emphasized that parents-to-be prepare for pregnancy and lactation upwards of 6 months in advance. Special nutrient-dense foods include those high in minerals and fat-soluble activators A, D, and K, from cows pastured in the spring or from fermented shark liver oil, fish eggs, organ meat, fermented foods and egg yolks.

Sally Fallon Morell, founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), teaches that the first organ that forms in the fetus is the heart, at about three weeks, before signs of pregnancy appear. “Eat lots of butter. Butter is the perfect fat,” exclaims Morell, to store up enough Vitamin A which she calls, “the concertmaster of fetal development.”

Today, Morell advises detoxifying by eliminating processed foods, soy foods, toxins and drugs upwards of 2 years before pregnancy and recovering three years between pregnancies.

Holistic Dentistry

In addition to his work on nutrition, Dr. Price conducted extensive research into the destructive effects of root canals, detailed in his two-volume work Dental Infections Oral & Systemic and Dental Infections & the Degenerative Diseases. His conclusions, ignored for over 50 years, are gaining renewed acceptance as holistic practitioners are discovering that the first step to recovery from degenerative disease often involves removal of all root canals. The principles of holistic dentistry, based on the research of Weston Price, are to:

  • Avoid root canals. If you have root canals and suspect that they are causing trouble, have them removed.
  • Avoid fluoride and mercury (amalgam) fillings. If you have amalgam fillings, consider having them removed by a dentist who specializes in mercury filling replacement and detoxification.
  • When necessary, extract teeth in such a way as to avoid leaving the jaw bone with cavitations, which can be focal points of infection.

Finding Your Holistic Dentist

Learn to care for your mouth holistically. Reading and attending local WAPF and Children’s Health Defense chapter meetings can provide the confidence to collaborate with your dentist. The Lincoln WAPF Chapter meets on the first Tuesday of most months from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. at Natural Grocers, 48th & O St.

Seek a dentist who will consider your needs and all healing modalities, old and new, to provide you with the best advice and healing therapy with economy. An holistic dentist appreciates the responsibility each person has for their own health and is ready to teach and learn. Where to learn more: