The last three years has some of us looking back, 100 years and more, to compare researchers seeking truth and researcher seeking financial profit. The debate between terrain and germ theory and the isolation of viruses is not new. How has silencing the virus debate impacted our community today, and has this same type of silencing impacted other significant historical debates?
“Truth will come to light”
Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice, and on the title page of Béchamp or Pasteur: A lost Chapter in the History of Biology? by Ethel Douglas Hume
Edison and Tesla, Pasteur and Béchamp
This post, at Herba Medicine, by a Panamanian farmer Ursula Kiener, connects the dots in the battle between freedom and slavery to corporate profits, comparing Edison and Tesla to Pasteur and Béchamp.

“Edison vs. Tesla comes to mind when thinking of Pasteur vs. Bechamp. Both Tesla and Bechamp wanted to free humanity, one by providing free electricity and the other one by telling people who to be healthy. But in the end, they were both undermined by their rivals whose theories suited huge corporations. Energy is practically a cartel in every country, since you do not have options and are charge astronomical fees every month. While big Pharma is the biggest lobbyist group that pretty much purchases media and politicians. They don’t want you to be healthy, they want you to be sick for life so they keep on earning profits.””Edison vs. Tesla comes to mind when thinking of Pasteur vs. Bechamp. Both Tesla and Bechamp wanted to free humanity, one by providing free electricity and the other one by telling people who to be healthy. But in the end, they were both undermined by their rivals whose theories suited huge corporations. Energy is practically a cartel in every country, since you do not have options and are charge astronomical fees every month. While big Pharma is the biggest lobbyist group that pretty much purchases media and politicians. They don’t want you to be healthy, they want you to be sick for life so they keep on earning profits.”
Ursula Kiener, Pasteur vs. Bechamp: Diseases come from Germs or Toxic Conditions?
Carlson’s Opinion on Debate in Mainstream Media
In Tucker Carlson’s April 26, 2023 Twitter post, he talks about his “time off,” after his abrupt departure from Fox News, and discovering how most TV debates have become irrelevant. He claims that undeniably important, future-defining topics receive virtually no attention. Carlson questions when was the last legitimate mainstream media debate on war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, or natural resources.
“When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful.”
Tucker Carlson