12/1/21 The Unspeakable, four men continue the fight for justice for their loved ones murdered on 9/11, by Dylan Avery
11/27/21 Posted on Mercola.com – Catherine Austin Fitts, Second Interview, Planet Lockdown, with This Pivotal Moment video on passports, ESG scores and turnkey totalitarianism – “at first first glance, accepting vaccine passports into our daily lives may seem like a trivial change, after all, many of us have already become accustomed to scanning QR codes as a condition of entry into restaurants and shops. But, do not be fooled. The universal adoption of vaccine passports is not a trivial change. It is no less that a fundamental inversion of what is meant by freedom in democratic societies. And it will facilitate a radical restructuring of our civilization. No longer will your personal freedom be expansive, constrained only at the periphery by long-established and mutually agreed laws. Instead, what will remain of your freedom will be limited to those things that you’ve been given explicit permission to do by some unseen algorithmic power, mediated through the screen of your smart phone one green click at a time.”
Joe Herring Post 12/5/21 – what ended as temporary censorship of an interview with Archbishop Viganò’s on his views of the pandemic, The Great Reset and the New World Order at The Eye of the Needle site was temporarily suspended. Article was still available at Catholicism Pure & Simple